As mentioned, Timmery and I loosely talked about plans for a river day. These locals know folks that have property on the river and with the heat of the summer, I can think of no better way to spend a day than to be in cool water for hours. Everyone brings some food, hammocks, kayaks, and whatever else and escapes... can't wait! I kiss my sweet pup goodbye, hit the store, and off we go!
"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it." W.M. Lewis
Monday, June 27, 2016
Nashville, TN: The River
farm life,
Jesse James,
mystic valley,
road trip,
Whites Creek,
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Nashville, TN: Downtown
Lance was not only my host, but my tour guide as well. As I was driving out the driveway, JJ and Spot (the lambs) followed us.. all the way out to the road. Lance had to get out of the car, scoop them up, and then they got a quick ride in the backseat of my Expedition. We drove to a gate that led to the property where he hoisted them up and over, back home. I was elated to have two lambs in my back seat; that's definitely not something I would have pictured happening on my trip. Or anywhere else. Once they were back in their safe zone, we headed downtown, in the hot hot heat and humidity that is the South.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Nashville, TN: MV Inhabitants
The guys continued to fill me in on Mystic Valley and it’s inhabitants. The farm is home to Ray and his family, Lance, dogs, cows, lambs, and horses. The dogs mainly stayed up at the house we first passed when entering the property and the cows were far out on the land, but the the lambs were always nearby. Once situated, we proceeded to see how Neville feels about the two baby lambs, JJ and Spot. He is eager to get a good sniff in and comes on strong, as usual. The lambs are unsure about him, rearing up to headbutt him whenever he comes close. They were indifferent toward me, but loved their Lance.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Nashville, TN: Mystic Valley
The next morning Neville and I take off to the city of Nashville (again)! Well, more appropriately, a farm named Mystic Valley, about 20 minutes north of the city. The day was as hot and humid as ever and there are so many strange bugs in this state that I don’t even question them anymore. As I approached the property I called my host, Lance, and picked him up just down the road from the driveway so he could guide me in. This is my first time as a Workaway-er and his first time as a host, so we will learn together.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Nashville, TN: Wingin It
When I left Autumn Olive Camping, my GPS took my a route that I never knew existed. A one lane, dirt road, that curved around a few miles before bringing me to a highway. Over the past few days I have reached out to a number of people in the Nashville area to host me, but with no luck. I decided to go there anyway and see if anything came through. It was nice driving to my next destination and not have the car struggling uphill. Siri took me through some cute, small, country bumpkin looking towns, one of which was named Allardt: Home of the Giant Pumpkin. When I stopped for gas I FaceTimed some girlfriends and showed them the man dressed in overalls riding his tractor up to the gas station. Inside, everybody working there knew everybody coming in and there was a plethora of tobacco selections for sale.
autumn olive camping,
natchez trace parkway,
road trip,
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Knoxville, TN: Explore
Four years ago, three girlfriends and I enjoyed a weekend at Autumn Olive Camping. None of us had been camping in years (or ever) and it was quite the adventure. From Vicky scaring us so badly no one except her could sleep in the tent the first night, to shooting guns, drinking moonshine, and just generally acting a fool. None of us had been to Knoxville before so we planned to spend the last night of our weekend there. The majority of our time was spent on Gay Street and we had an absolute blast! We saw the sites, met many locals, danced to Gangnam Style in the square, and gained superhero powers after dark. This time around, I got to explore Knoxville with my family. No superpowers came to light, but we did have fun.
autumn olive camping,
balter beer works,
cherokee trail,
road trip,
street art,
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Norris Lake, TN: Reunion Day
While this whole weekend is a family filled weekend, Saturday is the only day where everyone is here for the whole day. We declare it this year’s reunion day! Aunt Joyce rented a pontoon boat for a few hours out in Norris Lake. Certainly not a paddle boat, like Mom told Lori. That would be one hell of a day for our crew. Aunt Joyce also gifted us Autumn Olive Camping t-shirts; she’s the best. Everyone piles into someones car and we set off! The ride took longer than anticipated due to A) construction and B) one wrong turn. Cousin Josh is driving the car I’m in and he tells us (after we’re on the road) that in Tennessee the law is that a passenger in the car can drink, just not the driver. Good to know. I actually just now looked this up to verify and there are 7 other states where this is legal. In fact, in Mississippi the driver can also drink, so long as his/her BAC is under .08%. The more you know.
little big town,
norris lake,
snapping turtle,
Friday, June 17, 2016
LaFollette, TN: Family
When I was a child most of my family lived within 20 minutes of each other. There was a time when I was visiting Aunt Joyce’s house and I heard a scary voice coming from behind her couch, but couldn’t see who it belonged to. She explained to me that it was Aunt Tilly, a mean old lady who hated children. I can't remember how long I thought this was true, but over time she would tell me, “no, you can’t go in there, Aunt Tilly is in there” or “you better be good, Aunt Tilly is watching” and things along those lines. Needless to say, I was terrified of this woman that I had never met, and never would meet because she didn’t exist. Aunt Joyce claims that she never knew I really believed in Aunt Tilly.. I don’t know if I believe her. Fast forward about 20 years, I fostered a mastiff mix who was just a unique dog with a creep stare that had a high prey drive. She needed a name and was gifted with ‘Tilly’. Aunt Joyce loved it and the name fit my girl so well. She didn’t last long as a foster dog before she became my forever furbaby. I’ll come back to Aunt Tilly.
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R.I.P. Tilly |
autumn olive,
drag queen,
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
LaFollette, TN: Autumn Olive Camping
Nestled in the foothills of the Cumberland Mountains is a rustic, fun, and best yet- inexpensive campsite. There are four cabins varying in size that are set up with comfortable beds, electricity, and heat/AC. There is space for tent camping as well, either bring your own or rent one. A clubhouse is available with a large satellite TV, pool table, dart board, hottub, wifi, outdoor games, and indoor plumbing. The owners provide you with the option of having them cook for you; I recommend it, the food is delicious... the got-to-have-it speciality is the biscuits and gravy. The name of the campsite comes from the numerous Autumn Olive trees on the land. A variety of products are made by the owners using the Autumn Olive leaves, such as chapstick, sunscreen, bug spray, soap, face cream, and the list goes on. Within an hours drive are fishing spots, hiking trails, ATV tours, and Norris Lake. The property is located about an hour north of Knoxville in LaFollette, Tennessee. All of that being said, the highlight of your visit will be the company.
autumn olive,
cumberland mountains,
drag queen,
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Louisville, KY: The beginning and the end
Kentucky is the next stop on my route. The only other time that I have been to Kentucky was a year and a half ago with my mom and two of my cousins; we drove up from Tennessee to go to a mall since none of us had ever been to the state before. The ‘mall’ we came to was one of a few businesses in a small plaza and it was more like a flea market. Granted, we did find some awesome things in there. I found a sign that says something along the lines of: I got gas here! and has a photo of a gasoline pump on it. Because I’m classy. Mom had the best find, though. Her sister, who we were visiting in Tennessee, runs a campsite business with her husband (more about that later) out in the boonies. The cabins have electricity, but no water, so Mom found a portable potty for my aunt to scare future campers with. Then we went where any other person just over the state line would go to extend the trip- Kentucky Fried Chicken! And our trip was complete.
churchill downs,
drag queen,
kentucky derby,
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Cleveland, OH: Last Day
One of the spots my wonderful hosts got me excited for was the West Side Market. The Market opened to shoppers on November 2, 1912, and is Cleveland’s oldest continuously operating municipally owned market. It was built to replace the Pearl Street Market, located on the opposite corner since 1840, and was one of three public markets in Cleveland (the other two were Broadway Market and Central Market). All three served Cleveland’s growing immigrant population in the early 20th century and only the West Side Market remains. The parking there is an event in itself, but once inside there is everything you could want. The best part for this fat kid was the free samples everyone hands out. I picked up produce, pasta, and meats, and only spent $30! Once all was put away in my camper and I cooked some lunch, it was really starting to look like I actually live in the Drag Queen. Feeling like home & I love it.
My time in Cleveland is drawing to an end so I decided that I needed to get some Honey Hut as a souvenir. The line was significantly longer this time around, but it is so so worth it. They give you a brown bag to bring the ice cream home, but they call it Karry Kool.. this entertained me. The drive back to the house is mainly through residential areas and on one street I saw a deer. This deer was just chilling in someone’s front yard, no worries to be had. It reminded me of a conversation Kelly and I had one night when she told me that deer will occasionally stroll down the middle of the street. And I got to witness it!
My last day with Dave and Kelly started off with a group trip to Edgewater Dog Park. Three humans, three pups, and lots of beach to wander. Beasts are off leash, Davinci and Neville run around sniffing who knows what, and Frank heads for the water. Dave throws Frank’s toy and he is after it, treading water, taking the waves, he gets it and is ready for more. Neville is not much of a water dog- the only time he has been swimming was when he was a puppy and my niece and I took him in my mom's pool. He swam, but only because he had to, not to enjoy. Imagine my surprise when he went into the water after Frank! Not all the way in, of course, but his feet were wet. He retreated when the waves started coming, but hey, progress! There are rocks and sticks mixed in with the sand on this beach and full bodied dead fish, too. Cute. Davinci goes and hangs with his family and I throw a stick for Neville. He eventually settles down in the sand and chews on his favorite snack, getting up every now and then to dig it a little hole. A small dog and her owner walk down the beach and Neville takes off! I keep telling him he needs to work on his approach because he comes on pretty strong; he still doesn't get it. Thankfully, this dog takes it in stride and the two of them chase each other around for a few minutes. After a while the pups are good and tired, Frank is exhausted, and we walk up the beach. On the drive out there is a beautiful view of the city with the beach in the foreground.
Neville and I drove downtown- well, I drove and he laid in the back seat- and walked around. We walked through Playhouse Square and up 6th Avenue. There were a whole bunch of teenagers lined up around the block for something. According to the guy working in the store CLE, it was for a local band. Good for that band! The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument is downtown; it is a 125' column topped with a statue of the Goddess of Freedom, defended by the Shield of Liberty, commemorating the American Civil War. The base is surrounded by a Memorial Room and four bronze groupings depicting, in battle scenes, the Navy, Artillery, Infantry and Cavalry. The interior of this old Monument was built in 1894 and was recently rehabilitated. Colossal Cupcakes was the sign that caught my eye next, walking around in this heat and all. The interior is decorated in different pink hues and the bakery serves cupcakes, vanilla ice cream, and cake shakes. I was curious about a cake shake so the girl cut me off a piece of the maple bacon something cupcake to try and whipped the rest of it with some ice cream for a shake. Pretty good.
Back at the house I wasn’t able to open one of the windows in my camper, I just couldn’t figure it out. I showed it to Dave and he saw the confusion I was talking about. He fiddled with it for all of 4 seconds and figured out all you have to do is push up. It is ridiculously simple. Window 3, Dave 1, Rebecca 0. My last night here, I relaxed with Neville, enjoying my newly opened window, and heard a dad yelling at his kid across the street. They have no clue I am in the Drag Queen and can hear them. This could be fun! But no, it was short lived and pretty uneventful. On my walk with the dog that night, I noticed that the houses have a lot of variety and character on most streets, but the houses on a few streets weren’t too different from each other. It reminded me of the theme song from Weeds.
I am so grateful to have met Dave 10 years ago and thankful that he and Kelly opened their driveway and their home up to me. I had such a good time reconnecting and exploring with them and the pups. There were many laughs, new sites, delicious food, and a rising level of excitement about the future. Can’t wait to come back for a visit and return the favor to you guys. Best of luck to you when you head out on your own adventure!
My time in Cleveland is drawing to an end so I decided that I needed to get some Honey Hut as a souvenir. The line was significantly longer this time around, but it is so so worth it. They give you a brown bag to bring the ice cream home, but they call it Karry Kool.. this entertained me. The drive back to the house is mainly through residential areas and on one street I saw a deer. This deer was just chilling in someone’s front yard, no worries to be had. It reminded me of a conversation Kelly and I had one night when she told me that deer will occasionally stroll down the middle of the street. And I got to witness it!
My last day with Dave and Kelly started off with a group trip to Edgewater Dog Park. Three humans, three pups, and lots of beach to wander. Beasts are off leash, Davinci and Neville run around sniffing who knows what, and Frank heads for the water. Dave throws Frank’s toy and he is after it, treading water, taking the waves, he gets it and is ready for more. Neville is not much of a water dog- the only time he has been swimming was when he was a puppy and my niece and I took him in my mom's pool. He swam, but only because he had to, not to enjoy. Imagine my surprise when he went into the water after Frank! Not all the way in, of course, but his feet were wet. He retreated when the waves started coming, but hey, progress! There are rocks and sticks mixed in with the sand on this beach and full bodied dead fish, too. Cute. Davinci goes and hangs with his family and I throw a stick for Neville. He eventually settles down in the sand and chews on his favorite snack, getting up every now and then to dig it a little hole. A small dog and her owner walk down the beach and Neville takes off! I keep telling him he needs to work on his approach because he comes on pretty strong; he still doesn't get it. Thankfully, this dog takes it in stride and the two of them chase each other around for a few minutes. After a while the pups are good and tired, Frank is exhausted, and we walk up the beach. On the drive out there is a beautiful view of the city with the beach in the foreground.
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Photo Credit: Kelly |
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Photo Credit: Kelly |
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Photo credit: Kelly |
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Photo credit: Kelly |
Neville and I drove downtown- well, I drove and he laid in the back seat- and walked around. We walked through Playhouse Square and up 6th Avenue. There were a whole bunch of teenagers lined up around the block for something. According to the guy working in the store CLE, it was for a local band. Good for that band! The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument is downtown; it is a 125' column topped with a statue of the Goddess of Freedom, defended by the Shield of Liberty, commemorating the American Civil War. The base is surrounded by a Memorial Room and four bronze groupings depicting, in battle scenes, the Navy, Artillery, Infantry and Cavalry. The interior of this old Monument was built in 1894 and was recently rehabilitated. Colossal Cupcakes was the sign that caught my eye next, walking around in this heat and all. The interior is decorated in different pink hues and the bakery serves cupcakes, vanilla ice cream, and cake shakes. I was curious about a cake shake so the girl cut me off a piece of the maple bacon something cupcake to try and whipped the rest of it with some ice cream for a shake. Pretty good.
Back at the house I wasn’t able to open one of the windows in my camper, I just couldn’t figure it out. I showed it to Dave and he saw the confusion I was talking about. He fiddled with it for all of 4 seconds and figured out all you have to do is push up. It is ridiculously simple. Window 3, Dave 1, Rebecca 0. My last night here, I relaxed with Neville, enjoying my newly opened window, and heard a dad yelling at his kid across the street. They have no clue I am in the Drag Queen and can hear them. This could be fun! But no, it was short lived and pretty uneventful. On my walk with the dog that night, I noticed that the houses have a lot of variety and character on most streets, but the houses on a few streets weren’t too different from each other. It reminded me of the theme song from Weeds.
Wifi again won't let me post the YouTube video, so you can watch it here:
I am so grateful to have met Dave 10 years ago and thankful that he and Kelly opened their driveway and their home up to me. I had such a good time reconnecting and exploring with them and the pups. There were many laughs, new sites, delicious food, and a rising level of excitement about the future. Can’t wait to come back for a visit and return the favor to you guys. Best of luck to you when you head out on your own adventure!
colossal cupcake,
dog park,
drag queen,
honey hut,
west side market
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