Sunday, June 5, 2016

GA/NC: Mom's Post

I wouldn't be honest if I didn't admit to being afraid for my baby to embark on the adventure you've read about. What about all those crazies out there? And what will happen if she breaks down, etc.?  So when I was invited to join her on the first leg of the trip I was happy to say yes. Now, I have no more experience pulling a camper or planting organic foods than she, but at least I could be another pair of eyes and ears for car trouble or any other kind. I could also babysit  my grandson, Neville, if so needed. 

As any first time experience goes, we were not without hazards and obstacles to overcome, but the overall experience was wonderful. My biggest disappointment was upon arriving at our second farm and finding there was no "organic" ice- lol. But time does seem to fly in the field in the hot sun if you are conversing with your host and learning about their family and garden. My favorite part of this trip was catching the look on Rebecca's face when the till took off :) Everyone was so pleasant and friendly that I now have no qualms about Rebecca and Neville staying with strangers. Aside from that, even at my age, bonding with your child is always a good thing and will be fondly remembered {I hope} long after I'm gone. Hope to join you a few other stops.

---Much love, Mom


To add on to what Mom wrote: I was so happy to have her with me. Not only is there safety in numbers and she was a security blanket too, but we were partners in crime. I love that she was (and is) open to new experiences and open to coming and trying this out with me. She is definitely motivation for me when I'm her age to keep on going and having adventures. Even if it means crashing into a rock with a snake on it or sweating to death on a farm :) And one of the perks of Mom traveling with me from the get-go is that from here on out when I talk to her about WWOOFing or exploring or anything, she has a better idea of what I'm talking about and can relate to it. I’ll miss her wit and sass but I’ll be seeing her again shortly… until then.. love you Mama! 




  1. I love that your experience was a shared one Ladies! 😀 In your earlier photos Rebecca, I can see your Mom's spunk and eye for adventure! It's not surprising that you'd want to create your own quest! Enjoy, Celebrate Life to the Fullest, Make Memorable Footprints along the way and above all, THANK YOU for sharing it with all of us!!! Rock on Girl! 😎🌟🙌💃

    1. She's a spunky one, for sure. Gotta keep my eye on her. I'm glad you're enjoying!

  2. Now we have to pick up the slack and try to entertain her!!

  3. WHEN IS YOUR MUMMY COMING BACK OUT!? That is when I will come visit, lol.
