Given how much I am in love with this little city, I have decided to take my time here and breathe it all in before going to Chicago. You may be wondering.. with Gibson City being a one stoplight town, what is there to even do there? Well, as a visitor who knows no one, not a whole lot of activities are going on, but there is enough to be entertained. Yesterday downtown and the neighborhoods were explored, so today Neville and I went deeper into the neighborhoods. I have noticed that most of the homes here have an American flag painted on some type of wood and proudly displayed outside. 'Merica! Surrounded by cornfields, kind locals, and bright skies, I could have wandered for days. Really, I'm not even sure why cars are necessary here.
We came across an empty soccer field so I had Nev off leash and threw the ball until he lost interest in bringing it back to me, preferring to lay and catch his breath. I'm thankful the field was not in use since I didn't see any other areas to run him around after we walked the city. The field was surrounded by more crops and dotted with benches to sit and enjoy the scenery. On the walk back to the Drag Queen, we stopped at the grocery store for some supplies and headed home. It was another warm and breezy day that ended with a great view.

Throughout our explorations I saw there was a drive in movie theater in town. I have only been to drive ins a hand full of times, and I love them because I can bring my own stuff, bring my dog, and get out and wander around when I feel antsy. I mean, who doesn't love the old school way of going to the movies? The Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In Theater is world famous for being the first and only drive-in theater to run significantly off wind powered turbines. Neville and I drove over to watch the Jungle Book. The movie started off with the nation anthem, previews, announcements for refreshments and upcoming events, and then we were deep in the jungle.
All in all, another great day and night in Gibson City, onto Chicago tomorrow!
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